Steve Gorman Wins 10.5 vs ODR

May 27, 2015

Steve Gorman Wins 10.5 vs ODR

Outlaw 10.5 driver, Steve Gorman, was among some of the biggest names in Outlaw 10.5 and Outlaw Drag Radial competing for a $10,000 purse and major bragging rights! 

Gorman and his PLR 481X powered Mustang qualified #5 in the ultra-competitive field. Check out the video below to see the final rounds where hew ran his car into the 4.0X range while taking another victory!

Congrats to Steve, his crew cheif Jamie Miller, and the whole crew!

{rokbox album=|2015-05-28-Gorman| thumbcount=|4|}images/latest_news/2015-05-28-Gorman/gallery/*{/rokbox}
Photos thanks to Seth at
Video by zlumlord on Youtube